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One Chance

| Earl Carlo Guevarra | Issue 147 (May - Jun 2022)

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One Chance

On a cool, starry summer night
I slumber on my fluffy bed

As the ray of the sky’s eye
Shines upon my tired body

My soul goes to the world of dreams
And see spectres staring at me

One of them speaks, saying,
“I’m dead, you’re alive; change your life,”

Asking in a low voice why,
They said, “Once you’re done, no more.”

My soul shivers at that thought of
Having no chance to fix one life

I rise up to the real world
And eat food, greeting “Morning!”

Realizing that there’s only
One chance for me to do it right

Saying my thanks, I go on
To give praise for a fruitful life

I am now happy to do good
For I know I have one more chance!

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