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The Fountain Essay Contest 2018 Winners
Jun 13, 2019

Should We Be Grateful?

The Fountain 2018 Essay Contest

And here come the winners!

Annually organized The Fountain Essay Contest has been drawing thousands of talented writers from the United States and around the world. “Should we be grateful?” was the theme of the 2018 contest, and it was a challenge for us to select the winners out of many well-written essays. We congratulate every one for participating and sharing their stories and wisdom with us.

1st Place
Celine Dan Tam Nguyen
“Grateful for A Soldier’s War”

2nd Place
Gaye Brown
“At Least”

3rd Place
Judy Ann Eichstedt

Honorable Mention
Jessica Gurgick
“Grateful for Death”

Honorable Mention
Kimberly Moore
“What Do You Say?”